Responsible Manager Learning Services Manager
Publish Date SEP-20
Last Review Date FEB-24
Next Scheduled Review Date FEB-25
Policy available SharePoint  /  Website
Authorised by Believe Team – TBC



  1. Introduction
  2. Policy Aims
  3. Scope
  4. Learner Access to Fair Assessment
  5. Assessment For Learning
  6. Assessment Procedure
  7. Cheating and Plagiarism

Equality Impact Statement 4

Policy Agreement 5


1.    Introduction

  • New Meaning Training (NMT) offers a variety of qualifications which provide learners with the opportunity to achieve their full potential by the most appropriate and direct route.  These include:
  • NOCN nationally accredited Qualifications with Internally devised assessments.
  • NOCN nationally accredited Qualifications with External Assessment.


  • NMT will ensure assessments meet the qualification specification requirements from the awarding body (NOCN). NMT will ensure assessment processes are implemented in a way which is fair and non-discriminatory. NMT will ensure assessment methods and decisions are based on the principles of equality, diversity, reliability, validity, fitness for purpose and transparency.


2.    Policy Aims

  • To set out a framework which provides evidence of the objective nature and professional rigour of academic assessment including the Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL).
  • To confirm NMT processes and procedures for academic assessment meet the requirements set by awarding and validating bodies and partners.
  • To ensure the maintenance of academic standards.
  • To provide clear guidance to learners, staff and other interested third parties, on academic assessment and its constituent parts.
  • To provide clear guidance to learners and staff on how to operate the procedures for academic assessment including any appeals.


3.    Scope

  • This policy applies to all learners and staff. Learners are made aware of the existence of this policy during their enrolment and have open access to it.
  • All Tutors and Internal Quality Assessors are made aware of the contents and purpose of this policy. NOCN personnel will have copies made available to them.


4.    Learner Access to Fair Assessment:

  • Learners can expect:
  • To be fully inducted onto a new course and given information that can be shared with parents/carers.
  • Learning outcomes, performance criteria and other significant elements of learning and assessment to be made clear at the outset of the course and when assignments are set.
  • To be given appropriate assessment opportunities during the course with feedback provided on the quality of the work.
  • All work to be marked within two weeks of submission by the learner.
  • Where adjustments and exemptions can be applied, NMT will ensure these are pursued with NOCN.
  • NMT ensure all assessment of work is carried out fairly and in keeping with the awarding body’s requirements.
  • All portfolio-based work will be assessed fairly against the qualification standards and Tutors involved will be fully trained.
  • Internal assessments will be carried out fairly and according to awarding body instructions.
  • Externally marked assessments will be marked according to the requirements of NOCN.


5.    Assessment For Learning

  • NMT recognises that formative assessment is crucial to the progress of learners, and encourages the development of independent and reflective learners.
  • All assessments will be valid (measuring learning outcomes), reliable, free from bias and transparent in process.
  • NMT expects all teaching staff to use formative assessment methods which provide learners with constructive feedback on their progress and indicate how improvements can be made. Such feedback is expected to be appropriate to learning needs and may be verbal or written. Progress records are maintained.


6.    Assessment Procedure 

  • Assessments, including Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) will be carried out in line with the recommendations and requirements of the Awarding Body.
  • Assignments, projects, and any other coursework which forms part of the summative assessment for a qualification will always carry issue and submission dates.
  • Prior to assessment, learners are entitled to clear and timely guidance on the nature of the assessment and the criteria for determining marks.
  • Where an assignment involves group work, the assessment process must reflect the learner’s individual contribution.
  • After assessment, learners are entitled to clear and constructive feedback on marks awarded.
  • Assessment decisions will be communicated to learners within a reasonable time span, usually within 2 weeks of the submission date. Exceptional circumstances may arise, in which case these will be communicated to the learner by the Tutor.
  • An Appeals Procedure is contained in the Assessment and Verification Handbook updated annually by the end of September in each academic year. The Appeals Procedure will ensure that New Meaning complies with Awarding Organisation and HEI regulations.  Any appeals against academic assessment will be eligible if they meet the criteria described in the Assessment Appeals Policy and Procedure and will be reviewed in accordance with it.  The decisions of academic assessments and appeals will be properly recorded and retained for audit purposes.
  • To ensure a consistent and fair approach across all NMT Tutors, the Internal Quality Assessment team will sample in line with the Quality Assurance Policy.
  • Academic assessment, verification, moderation, and sampling, as appropriate, will be carried out in accordance with the assessment procedure.
  • Verification and moderation may alter the mark or grade initially awarded.
  • All formal assessments will be in accordance with regulations of the awarding body (NOCN).
  • Records of all formal assessments will be maintained.
  • Appropriate alternative assessment arrangements will be made for students who need them in compliance with NOCN regulations.
  • Academic assessment will be of the learner’s own work. Where assessors judge that work is not the learner’s own, the Teaching, SPAG and Plagiarism Policy will be invoked.
  • All staff should be aware of the Malpractice and Maladministration Policy


7.    Cheating and Plagiarism

  • A fair assessment of learner’s work can only be made if that work is entirely the learner’s own. Therefore, learners can expect an awarding body to be informed if:
  • They are found guilty of copying, giving or sharing information or answers, unless part of a joint project.
  • They use an unauthorised aid during a test or examination.
  • They copy another learner’s answers during a test or examination.
  • They talk/communicate during a test or examination.
    • All allegations of cheating and plagiarism will lead to a full investigation which will follow the guidance of NOCN.
    • If a learner feels they have been wrongly accused of cheating or plagiarism, they should be referred to the Complaints Policy.




Equality Impact Statement


New Meaning Training have a duty to consider the impact of changes on groups with Protected Characteristics (race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership).



What are the overall aims of the change? Why are you proposing it? The aim of this policy is to provide a framework to ensure that the guidelines are in place to support all stakeholders.
Given the aims of your proposal, what issues does your data/information highlight? Everybody is included within this policy, and all groups are given equability regarding their needs and provisions.
How could the proposed change affect positively/negatively on groups with protected characteristics? This has a positive impact on all groups with protected characteristics, as they are ensured equal treatment and provision based on their needs. Risk assessments may be carried out to ensure that this is the case and provisions maybe altered to accommodate specific needs.
What actions will you take to mitigate any negative impact? No negative impact to having this policy.
Is there any potential negative impact justified considering wider benefits of the proposal? No negative impact to having this policy.
Recording final decision. This policy requires CEO approval.
Has the policy taken into consideration the requirements of GDPR regulations?

Are there any actions that need addressing, e.g. data sharing agreement; have data consent and data retention timescales been considered?

GDPR regulations have been considered and actions comply with data protection requirements.




Policy Agreement


Visit the link below and confirm you have read, understood and agree to adhere to this policy:

Should you experience any issues accessing the agreement, please contact Learning Services.