Responsible Manager People’s Manager
Publish Date June 2023
Last Review Date January 2024
Next Scheduled Review Date January 2025
Policy available SharePoint  /  Website
Authorised by People’s Manager



1.     Introduction

  • New Meaning Training (NMT) is committed to achieving equality of opportunity and diversity both as an employer and as a provider of education and training services.
  • We have formulated this policy to acknowledge our responsibilities to actively promote equality and combat discrimination.
  • NMT incorporates equality and diversity into everything we do. Equality and Diversity flows through our ‘Core Values’ and is an integral part of our business.
  • NMT is fortunate to serve a diverse community of learners.
  • Our learners and staff reflect the population at large including people of different race and ethnicity, many ages, both sexes, different sexual orientations and with a variety of disabilities.
  • NMT treats all employees and learners with respect and dignity and provide a working, educational and training environment free from unlawful discrimination (direct or indirect), harassment or victimisation.


2.     Scope

  • This policy applies to all aspects of NMT programmes and services to all learners, staff, parents and carers and visitors. This policy demonstrates our wholehearted commitment to continued action in tackling inequality on grounds of:
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender
  • Race
  • Nationality or ethnic origin
  • Married or in a civil partnership
  • Pregnancy or maternity
  • Learning difficulty
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender reassignment
  • Trade union membership or activity
    • We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination and if discrimination is proved, disciplinary action will be taken against perpetrators.
    • All learners and staff, whether part-time, full-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect.
    • NMT provide a range of education and training programmes which encourage everyone to participate in learning. Through our teaching, administration and support services, and our work in the community, NMT promote equality of opportunity.
    • Selection for employment, promotion, training or any other benefit will be on the basis of aptitude and ability. All employees will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and the talents and resources of the workforce will be utilised and to maximise the efficiency of the organisation.


3            Legislation

  • This policy underpins NMT’s duty to promote equality and diversity under equality legislation and other directives.
  • Including:
  • The Equality Act 2010
  • Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974
  • Human Rights Act 1998
  • Equal Pay Act (including 1983 amendments)
  • Part-time workers Regulations 2006
  • Fixed-term Employers Regulations 2002


4            Policy Aims

  • The aim is for our employees and learners to be truly representative of all sections of society. For our employees, learners, customers and for all stakeholders to feel respected and able to give their best.
  • In particular, NMT strives to:
  • Provide a range of programmes that enable us to meet each individual learner’s needs, goals and aspirations.
  • Procedures for recruiting and selecting staff will be sensitive to, and promote, equality of opportunity.
  • Ensure that the ethos and environment of NMT enables all learners, staff, parents and carers and visitors to feel welcome, supported and valued, with access for all to our facilities and services.
  • Develop learner tutorial programmes that will enable learners to understand our policy, its implications, and how they can contribute to achieving greater equality of opportunity.
  • Encourage learners, staff and parents and carers to recognise, understand and value diversity.
  • Provide training for all staff to enable them to understand our policy, participate in its implementation and promote equality of opportunity.
  • Promote equality and diversity to suppliers, partners and employers who provide work experience and work placement for learners.
  • Monitor the effectiveness of the NMT Equality and Diversity policy and other related policies.
  • Consider equal opportunities issues in all aspects of our business and ensure that all policies and procedures are developed to positively support and develop equality of opportunity both within the NMT environment and in the community.


5            NMT’s Commitment

  • Equality, diversity and inclusion are central to everything we do at NMT. We aim to celebrate diversity and support everyone to overcome the barriers to their full inclusion and participation in society. We are committed to embracing equality and tackling discrimination in all its forms. Through our commitment, we will ensure that all views are considered and the environment in which we live and work is truly inclusive.
  • NMT commits to:
  • Identify and eliminate discriminatory practices.
  • Develop and monitor the awareness and understanding of issues concerned with equality of opportunity.
  • Recognise and challenge the language and attitudes of others.
  • Support those who appropriately challenge oppression, which can be defined as prolonged unjust or cruel treatment.
  • Provide information and resources on equality and diversity and good practice.
  • Ensure that all marketing activities meet Equality and Diversity best practice.
  • Ensure that all curriculum resources meet Equality and Diversity best practice.
  • Ensure anti-discriminatory practice in all contract specifications and other documentation with external bodies, speakers, consultants, employers, employees, learners, subsidiaries and the wider community.
  • Create an environment in which individual differences, achievements and the contributions of all our learners and staff are recognised and valued.
  • That every learner and member of staff is entitled to learning and working environment that promotes dignity and respect to all.
  • That no form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
  • That learning, training, development and progression opportunities are available to all learners and staff.
  • To review all our policies and employment practices and procedures to ensure fairness.
  • That breaches of our equality policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings.
  • That this policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.


6            Rights

  • Under the NMT Equality and Diversity Policy learners have the right to:
  • Learn and achieve.
  • Be treated fairly in all aspects of their learning within NMT.
  • Be treated with respect by all other members of the NMT community.
  • Be valued for their contribution to NMT in an environment which:
    • Encourages each and every person to contribute fully, on an equal basis.
    • Is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.
    • Is supportive of equal opportunities.
    • Takes sensitive and supportive action if discrimination, harassment and/or bullying is suspected.
    • Under the NMT Equality and Diversity Policy staff have the right to:
  • Be treated fairly in all aspects of their employment at NMT.
  • Be treated with respect by all other members of the NMT community.
  • Be valued for their contribution to NMT in an environment which:
    • Encourages each and every person to contribute fully, on an equal basis.
    • Is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying.
    • Is supportive of equality and diversity.
    • Takes sensitive and supportive action if discrimination, harassment and/or bullying is suspected.


7            Responsibilities

  • Learners and staff are required to treat all members of the NMT community with consideration and respect, showing fairness and honesty. They must not bully or harass.
  • This means they must not:
  • Use behaviour which is unwanted, inappropriate, causes distress or is unacceptable to others.
  • Threaten to undermine the safety of themselves or of others.
  • Persecute others by intimidation, unfair, sarcastic or malicious behaviour.
  • Illegally or unfairly discriminate against others.
  • Use language which is offensive or disrespectful of others.
    • In all aspects of their behaviour, learners and staff must:
  • Respect and value the contribution of all members of the NMT community.
  • Ensure the effective implementation of the Equality and Diversity Policy.
  • Deal with unfair and/or unlawful discriminatory incidents.
  • Promote equality of opportunity and diversity opposing unlawful discrimination against any member of the NMT community.
  • Take up training and learning opportunities to keep up to date with law on discrimination.
    • Learners must report to a member of staff any incident which infringes either their own or other people’s rights. If learners feel that they are treated unfairly or without respect, they must be encouraged to talk to somebody they trust to help them. They must let someone in authority know about the situation. In the first instance this is most likely to be their tutor.
    • If a member of staff feels they are being treated unfairly or without respect, they are encouraged to discuss the matter with their line manager, the Area Manager or the Director, or a confidential adviser as appropriate. Reference should be made to the staff policies and procedures relating to grievance and harassment and bullying.


7.1          Implementation Responsibility

  • The NMT Senior Leadership Team are responsible for implementing the policy statement to all other NMT staff members and learners. They are responsible for setting an example for how this policy should be implement.
  • All NMT staff are also responsible for implementing this policy with learners, when teaching the NMT curriculum and interacting with any members of the NMT community.


8            Monitoring the Policy

  • NMT will monitor this policy through formal and regular reviews of our policies and procedures.
  • This will specifically include the following areas of monitoring and annual reporting in respect of age, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation, religion or belief:
  • The numbers of staff who are subject of disciplinary procedures, bullying and harassment.
  • The numbers of staff leaving the employment of NMT.
  • The numbers of complaints which are related to equality and diversity.
  • Staff feedback via a variety of established channels/mechanisms.
  • The numbers of learner withdrawals from each course.
  • The numbers of learner incidents involving harassment and/or bullying.
  • The numbers of learners excluded.
  • Tutorial and personal and professional development process to see if equal opportunities issues are raised.
  • Learner feedback through surveys.


9            Breaches of the Policy

  • NMT will take seriously any alleged breaches of the policy and where proven breaches may lead to formal disciplinary action, including dismissal for staff and expulsion for learners.


Equality Impact Statement


New Meaning Training have a duty to consider the impact of changes on groups with Protected Characteristics (race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership).



What are the overall aims of the change? Why are you proposing it? The aim of this policy is to provide a framework to ensure that the guidelines are in place to support all stakeholders.
Given the aims of your proposal, what issues does your data/information highlight? Everybody is included within this policy, and all groups are given equability regarding their needs and provisions.
How could the proposed change affect positively/negatively on groups with protected characteristics? This has a positive impact on all groups with protected characteristics, as they are ensured equal treatment and provision based on their needs. Risk assessments may be carried out to ensure that this is the case and provisions maybe altered to accommodate specific needs.
What actions will you take to mitigate any negative impact? No negative impact to having this policy.
Is there any potential negative impact justified considering wider benefits of the proposal? No negative impact to having this policy.
Recording final decision. This policy requires CEO approval.
Has the policy taken into consideration the requirements of GDPR regulations?

Are there any actions that need addressing, e.g. data sharing agreement; have data consent and data retention timescales been considered?

GDPR regulations have been considered and actions comply with data protection requirements.



Visit the link below and confirm you have read, understood and agree to adhere to this policy:


Should you experience any issues accessing the agreement, please contact Learning Services.