Responsible Manager People’s Manager
Publish Date SEPTEMBER-2020
Last Review Date SEPTEMBER-2021
Next Scheduled Review Date
Policy available SharePoint  /  Website
Authorised by


1.     Introduction


The New Meaning is committed to the maintenance and improvement of high standards of health, safety and welfare throughout its premises, activities and operations. This commitment covers not only its staff and students but also visitors to The New Meaning and all others who may be affected by centre activities.

In particular, The New Meaning will meet all of its legal obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as amended and will endeavour, so far as is reasonably practicable, to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees, learners and visitors.

The Centre Manager will retain ultimate responsibility for health, safety and welfare but all members of staff, students and visitors share some responsibility to take reasonable care of their own health, safety and welfare, as well as that of others who may be affected by their actions.

The New Meaning will actively encourage a positive culture of good health and safety practice where risks are identified and hazards reduced to the lowest reasonably practicable level. This will be achieved by:


  • Identification and provision of control over risks arising from Academy activities.
  • Provision and maintenance of plant, equipment and systems of work that are safe and without risks to health.
  • Ensuring the safety and absence of risk to health in connection with the use, storage, handling and transport of articles and substances.
  • Providing such information, instruction, training and supervision as may be necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees and students.
  • Support and application of the Safe learner concept to develop and reinforce student’s health and safety awareness.
  • Provision of effective safeguarding processes for protection of young people and vulnerable adults.
  • Taking preventative and protective measures such as safe procurement and provision of Personal Protective Equipment.
  • Appointment of competent personnel to ensure compliance with statutory duties and completion of annual policy review.
  • Providing health surveillance for employees where necessary.
  • Ensuring regular consultation takes place with employees in matters relating to health, safety and welfare.

Specific responsibilities for the organisation of health, safety and welfare are set out below in the Health and Safety Policy section B, Organisation with arrangements for implementation set out in section C.



The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 places duties in respect of Health and Safety on employers and on each person, who has, to any extent, control of the Centre premises.  The management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as amended 2002 extend these duties in various respects as set out in the policies and procedures appended to this policy document.

The New Meaning has the ultimate responsibility to take all measures within its power to make sure that the premises are safe and without significant risk to the health of staff, students and members of the public.  In practice, the Centre Manager will ensure through the Senior Staff that the appropriate measures are carried out.  The Director and Centre Manager will co-ordinate health and safety policy and practice in the Centre as a whole, and the Area Lead/Construction Tutor will, in turn, be responsible for Health and Safety within their respective areas.

Individual responsibility is however an important feature in the legal framework for Health and Safety, and therefore: –

All staff and students of The New Meaning must take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions, and must co-operate with their employers or tutors on health and safety matters.

Failure by any manager, member of staff or student to comply with either a statutory requirement or any aspect of The New Meaning Health and Safety Policy may result in disciplinary action against the individual(s) concerned.

The organisation and policies will be subject to annual review.

2.     Objectives


  1. To ensure that The New Meaning provides a healthy and safe environment at all times for staff, students and visitors to the Centre.
  2. To establish and maintain healthy and safe working procedures, and to promote the observance of all relevant statutory provisions by all employees and students through the provision of appropriate information, training and supervision to staff and students.
  3. To ensure the environment and all activities of The New Meaning are subject to risk assessment, which are reviewed annually or more frequently as necessary, and actions taken as far as reasonably practicable to reduce risks to the health and safety of staff, students and visitors.
  4. To update and supplement this statement, arrangements and references as necessary.
  5. To develop and maintain a sense of safety awareness and responsible attitudes in all employees and endeavour to provide Safe learner outcomes for students.
  6. To ensure joint consultation with employees in the achievement of the aims of The New Meaning Health and Safety Policy.
  7. To monitor the effectiveness of the Policy in achieving the aim of maintaining a high standard of health, safety and welfare throughout the Centre.
  8. To ensure if and when we work with sub-contractors they also maintain legislative compliance in health and safety matters to at least the same standard as The New Meaning.
  9. To ensure account is taken of the views and needs of young people and vulnerable individuals whilst participating in The New Meaning courses and activities.


3.     Structure

Overall responsibility for health and safety in The New Meaning rests with the Directors and management.  To fulfil this obligation the following arrangements have been made:

  1. Responsibility for ensuring the effective implementation of the health and safety policy rests with the Directors
  2. Competent advice is provided for implementation and amendments by the Centre Manager and Area Lead.
  3. The New Meaning encourages full involvement with staff on health and safety matters and in monitoring and reviewing the effective implementation of its health and safety policy.
  4. Staff members are expected to fulfil the specific responsibilities set out below in section B, Organisation.
  5. Every individual member of staff has a personal responsibility to ensure that as far as possible he/she promotes and maintains:
  6. His or her own health and safety whilst at work;
  7. The health and safety of those who work with him or her;
  • The health and safety of students and members of the public in the Academy or affected by the work of the Academy.


All staff must familiarise themselves with the New Meaning Health and Safety Policy.


4.     Safeguarding


The New Meaning holds a statutory and moral duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of young adults and vulnerable adults receiving education and training throughout its programmes, both on and off campus. This policy and appendices should be read in conjunction with the Safeguarding Policy which sets out comprehensive arrangements for the promotion of welfare and identification of and protection from harm and abuse to children, young adults and other vulnerable learners.


  1. i) To take the responsibility for ensuring that all visitors are signed in the visitor’s book that is held at the centre and also ensure that they will not be exposed to anything that may cause them harm.

5.     All Staff and Students


We expect every employee and student to ensure their personal safety and the safety of others whilst at work or study and to:

  • Co-operate fully on health and safety matters by complying with instructions and procedures given to ensure that safe working systems are followed, together with making full and proper use of protective clothing and safety equipment;
  • Plan their work in a manner that prevents damage to buildings, plant, machinery, equipment and fixtures and fittings;
  • Recognise hazards and control accident and ill-health risks, through attention to documented procedures and standards, together with the application of best practice
  • Not misuse any equipment that is provided for safety purposes (e.g. fire extinguishers or Personal Protective Equipment).
  • Report to their Line Manager, Tutor or any work-based Supervisor any observed risks to health and safety including defects to plant, equipment, structure or safety procedures and any incidents, accidents or near-misses that have led, or might lead to injury or damage;
  • Inform their Line Manager, Tutor or any work-based Supervisor of any ill health condition, medication taken, or disability that is likely to affect their safety. Workers or students who become pregnant should inform their Line Manager or Tutor as early as possible, in order that risks to mother or baby can be identified;
  • Understand their role in any emergency plan and participate in emergency exercises when required;
  • No employee or student of New Meaning is authorised to initiate, or continue any activity, that places themselves or others in danger. Any such act or action will be viewed as a disciplinary offence with the appropriate measures taken.


6.     Teaching Staff:

In addition to the responsibilities listed for All Staff, a tutor is expected:

  • To ensure students follow evacuation procedures when required
  • To ensure that a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan is accurately completed in a timely manner for any student requiring one, and that a copy is returned to the Health

& Safety Manager or Officer;

  • To ensure a First-Aider is called when necessary
  • To know the special safety measures to be adopted by students, including adherence to any relevant policies and procedures;
  • To give clear instructions and warnings to students as often as is necessary (notices, posters and hand-outs are not enough);
  • To integrate all relevant aspects of safety into the teaching process and, if necessary give special lessons on safety at the beginning and throughout a course or programme;
  • To ensure students use protective clothing, guards, special safe working procedures etc., where necessary in relation to any activity being carried out.


7.     Technicians and Instructors

  • Technicians and Instructors are responsible to their Line Manager for maintaining Health & Safety standards within their area of work and for supporting teaching staff in their Health & Safety responsibilities.
  • In addition to the responsibilities listed for All Staff, Technicians and Instructors (when defined in their job description or stipulated as a specific duty) are expected to ensure the following as it relates to their area of work:
  • That up to date inventories are kept of substances hazardous to health;
  • That all portable electrical equipment has been tested according to New Meaning policy;
  • That all equipment is maintained in a safe condition and that guards etc. are in place;
  • That, under instruction from teaching staff, they assist in exercising adequate control over students within their work area in order to ensure safe working practices.

8.     Health and Safety arrangements

Health and Safety arrangements applicable to all areas of New Meaning’s activities are made known in procedures and as documented where additional arrangements are required.

a.    Emergency Procedures – Fire and Evacuation

The Group will ensure that robust procedures are in place in all Campuses and will ensure that:

  • All occupants are safely evacuated;
  • Fire Risk Assessments are conducted annually and whenever there are significant changes to buildings, activities or arrangements, with any identified issues actioned
  • promptly;
  • Escape routes are checked by designated staff, daily;
  • Assistance equipment (e.g. Evac-Chairs) are provided and maintained, with

appointed staff trained in their use

  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) are developed for staff, students and visitors where required;
  • Fire extinguishers are maintained and checked monthly and the External Contractor yearly
  • The fire panels are inspected and tested by a competent person in accordance with BS5839 part 1; (Landlord authority to undertake this inspection)
  • Emergency Lighting is tested according to current BS EN 50172:2004/BS 5266-

8:2004, a person appointed by the Landlord and External Contractor, as appropriate;

  • Alarms are tested by the landlord on a weekly basis
  • Emergency evacuations are tested at least twice per year;
  • Sufficient Fire Wardens are appointed, and suitably trained.

9.     Emergency Procedures for Injuries and Ill-Health

  • First Aid Needs Assessments are carried out for each of New Meaning Work Areas
  • First Aiders are the Duty First Aiders and Centre Manager, who have received
  • appropriate training.
  • First Aid supplies are provided at each location
  • First Aid boxes provided at appropriate strategic locations.
  • All accidents, injuries and cases of ill-health are recorded on an Accident Report form and provided to the Health & Safety Manager or Centre Manager, to record and investigate if necessary.
  • Any serious accident which results in fatality or serious injury to employees, students or the public, or any Dangerous Occurrence as listed in Schedule 2 of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR), will be reported immediately to the Health and Safety Manager or Centre Manager, who will ensure the necessary actions are taken and the required reporting procedures (RIDDOR) followed.

10.  Risk Assessments

  • Risk Assessments will be undertaken by the Centre Manager ensuring that the methods and systems of work are safe for all activities.
  • The Centre Manager will also ensure that the necessary procedures designed to achieve this are formulated, published and applied. Pertinent documentation shall be issued to staff at each campus as appropriate, including assessment procedures.
  • Risk Assessments required under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) will be undertaken by the Senior Tutor and Centre Manager ensuring that the necessary procedures, rules and regulations designed to achieve this are formulated, published and applied;
  • Managers will be responsible for identifying all substances which require a COSHH assessment and will check that new substances can be used safely before they are purchased
  • Action required to remove/control risks will be approved by the Centre Manager (if necessary acting on advice from the Health and Safety Manager or Senior Tutor).
  • Employees and students will be made aware of any health and safety risks associated with their work or study, together with the control and monitoring arrangements required for their protection.
  • Managers will ensure all employees and sub-contractors are suitably trained/competent to carry out the prescribed task and that the necessary licenses/certificates of competence are in force and appropriate.
  • Risk Assessments and COSHH Assessments will be reviewed every year (preferably September) or when the work activity or substance changes, whichever is soonest.
  • When staff embark on a work placement as part of their continuous professional development, (industrial updating), a risk assessment must be completed before the placement begins. The risk assessment must be completed by the Centre Manager and an action plan put in place for any risks identified, if necessary with assistance from the Health & Safety Manager or Centre Manager

11.  Safe Premises, Plant and Equipment

We manage our premises to provide a safe place of work and learning. We maintain the fabric of our buildings, ensure good house-keeping and provide suitable welfare arrangements that include adequate hot and cold water, drinking water, sanitary conveniences, hand washing facilities, facilities for eating and food preparation. Our workplaces are regularly cleaned, maintained, adequately lit and ventilated.

  • All plant and equipment within premises under our control such as fire detection systems, intruder detection systems, electrical installations, gas installations and equipment, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, lightning conductors, pressure vessels, passenger and goods lifts are inspected and maintained and records are kept;
  • All portable electrical equipment is tested at frequencies not less than those recommended in HSG107 to ensure that any electrical equipment that has the potential to cause injury is maintained in a safe condition;
  • Our employees are instructed to make a visual safety check of portable electrical equipment each time that it is used. They report defects to us for repair or replacement
  • We assess the risk of Legionella infection in our water systems and eliminate that risk or implement suitable control measures. These control measures are reviewed at least every 12 months.
  • The landlord will have surveyed all areas of the premises under our control to establish the location and condition of asbestos containing materials. An asbestos management plan has been developed to manage the risk of exposure to asbestos. Where employees may be exposed to asbestos containing materials asbestos awareness training is carried out and refreshed. The landlord will undertake regular checks to ensure the condition of any asbestos remaining in the premises is maintained. Contractors coming to work for us are informed of its presence.
  • To protect our workforce and others from risks to their health and safety we will work with the landlord to develop and implement a permit to work systems for all high-risk work activities such as:
    • Work on electrical distribution systems and high voltage installations
    • Access or work in any area or on any equipment which may contain Asbestos
    • Where any other proposed work is identified through risk assessment as having a high risk to persons or property
  • We recognise that as a client for construction work (including building maintenance, refurbishment and demolition) we have specific responsibilities under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations. We make arrangements to comply with our legal responsibilities by ensuring that a competent person takes responsibility for managing each specific CDM project.

12.  Safety Training

  • Induction training will be provided for all employees by Centre Manager or relevant Line Manager.
  • Mandatory online safety training will be completed by all employees for Fire Awareness, DSE, Health & Safety at Work and Manual Handling.
  • Further training in COSHH Awareness, Fire Warden Duties, Work at Height and Asbestos Awareness, is provided as appropriate.
  • Some mandatory training will be provided by external trainers, as appropriate, to supplement online training.
  • Other task-specific or industry training will be identified and arranged by Line Managers.
  • All employees and students will develop the necessary skills, achieved through education, training and instruction, to identify and manage the risks in their working and learning environment.
  • All levels of management within the organisation will receive the education and training necessary for them to effectively manage risks associated with their areas of work and responsibility.

13.  Communication and Consultation

  • Employee consultation on health, safety and welfare matters is a legal requirement and New Meaning Management will discuss this with relevant Line Managers and staff in team meetings thus ensuring issues are raised and resolved quickly.
  • The Health and Safety Law poster is displayed in the main foyer in each workplace.
  • Health and safety information and advice is available from the Health & Safety
  • Manager and Centre Manager

14.  Monitoring

  • All areas will be subject to internal audit of documentation and systems on an annual basis, which will include physical inspections of the areas. These will be conducted by the Health and Safety Manager or Centre Manager and will include the relevant staff to assist; findings will be reported to the New Meaning Board.
  • To check our working conditions, and ensure our safe working practices are being followed, Line Managers should institute a regular checking process to ensure all equipment is fit for purpose. Records will be maintained. All equipment must be maintained according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and current legislation, where applicable.
  • An annual health and safety report will be developed by the Health and
  • Safety Manager and Centre Manager for presentation to the Board.
  • Injuries, safety hazards and near-misses will be investigated by the Health & Safety Manager and Centre Manager and findings will be acted upon to prevent a recurrence; and reported to the Board.
  • Where employees use their own vehicles for driving on company business, New Meaning requires that the vehicle is properly taxed and maintained and that the driver has a valid driving licence and business-use insurance cover, (copies to be sent to administration officer)

15.  Equality Impact Statement

New Meaning Training have a duty to consider the impact of changes on groups with Protected Characteristics (race, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion or belief, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership).

What are the overall aims of the change? Why are you proposing it? The aim of this policy is to provide a framework to ensure that the guidelines are in place to support all stakeholders.
Given the aims of your proposal, what issues does your data/information highlight? Everybody is included within this policy, and all groups are given equability regarding their needs and provisions.
How could the proposed change affect positively/negatively on groups with protected characteristics? This has a positive impact on all groups with protected characteristics, as they are ensured equal treatment and provision based on their needs. Risk assessments may be carried out to ensure that this is the case and provisions maybe altered to accommodate specific needs.
What actions will you take to mitigate any negative impact? No negative impact to having this policy.
Is there any potential negative impact justified considering wider benefits of the proposal? No negative impact to having this policy.
Recording final decision. This policy requires CEO approval.
Has the policy taken into consideration the requirements of GDPR regulations?

Are there any actions that need addressing, e.g. data sharing agreement; have data consent and data retention timescales been considered?

GDPR regulations have been considered and actions comply with data protection requirements.

16.  Policy Agreement

Visit the link below and confirm you have read, understood and agree to adhere to this policy:

Should you experience any issues accessing the agreement, please contact Learning Services.